Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Proof that Lesbian Parents Raise Smarter Kids

When Ed Webb-Ingall set out to tell the story of the children of lesbian and gay parents in the UK in “Raising Hell,” he decided to fuse queer film theory of the 70s, 80s, and 90s with documentary techniques learned on the set of films about Joy Division and Al Gore’s LiveEarth Project. He combined his own experience with live interviews and historical found footage. All this in a compact, 30 minute format, ideal for screening at community centers and schools. Sound ambitious? Maybe, but as Webb-Ingall points out, “evidence out last year states Lesbians do make better parents than conventional ones.”

Join COLAGE this Saturday for an exclusive screening of “Raising Hell,” followed by a panel with the filmmaker and members of COLAGE. We’ve reserved a theater at the Maysles Film Institute at 343 Lenox Avenue/Malcolm X Boulevard in Manhattan. The screening and panel is on Saturday afternoon, August 21, from 3 – 5 p.m.

Check out the trailer here:

Raising Hell Film Trailer

The film is kid-centric with the intention of telling the often ignored and unknown story of the children of Lesbian and Gay parents from a personal and political viewpoint.

Through researching, developing and screening this film Ed Webb-Ingall hopes at once to normalise and elaborate on the experiences of the children of lesbian and gay parents.

Instead of perpetuating the myth of the perfect family, or the perfect childhood, this film shows kids who, whatever they felt about their families, didn’t want to change or hide them, but be proud of who and what they have made them.

Join us for the New York premiere of “Raising Hell,” and an exciting discussion following the film.

RSVP on Facebook to make it official:

Facebook event, Raising Hell

More info on the Maysles Institute web site:

Maysles Film Institute

See you Saturday!